Last week we talked about the pulp & paper mill process. In the past, continuous sampling and gas monitoring was a problem for this applicaion for three key reasons:

  1. The environment of the vent pipe that carries the Total Reduced Sulfur compounds (TRS) is dirty and humid. Most gas sensors are quickly impaired by these conditions, leading to unreliable readings.
  2. Because most sensors can only operate at ambient, as opposed to process temperatures, they are positioned far away from incinerators, using a snaking pipe arrangement and pumps to cool samples. This convoluted network can lead to many sample delivery and maintenance problems, particularly when TRS is in a mist state.
  3. Perhaps most critical, most monitoring systems are only able to measure the percent of flammability of a specific gas or narrow family of gases. In pulping applications, however, it is necessary to measure the overall concentration of all flammable gases and vapors entering the incinerator.

So what type of system can resolve these issues? 

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